DataCollect Documentation 1.0

About this document – Press here

Contact information – Press here

Introduction – Press here

Book Keeping – Press here

Error Handling – Press here

History of changes – Press here

About this document

This document aims to give a comprehensive view of the DataCollect API and how to integrate data into Verarca.

The following document will give guidance on getting started on ingesting data, and how the process should be followed.

It is vital that you read the full document and send any questions to before starting your integration.

Contact information

Please reach out to the following if you have any questions:

Technical Support:

Anything else:


Initial integration with our API is done by having an account on To gain access to a test account please contact

The DataCollect API consists of two environments staging and production on the following endpoints:


Both the staging and production environment are running various security checks to make the platform stable. One of them is rate limited. If you experience any issues, please reach out to technical support.


The API is using versioning. It’s highly recommended to use the versions endpoints, to minimize any disruptions. The version is visible through the provide swagger documentation.

The next couple of chapters describe the flow for ingesting data into DataCollect on specifics data regions.

Book keeping

The base data of Verarca consists of data from ERP/Book keeping calculating Co2 on various purchases/invoices.

The following flow should be used at any time:

1. Customer gets a token from

2. Customer enters/give token to client application (Integration partner)

3. Upon entering the token into the client application, the application should submit a total overview of the chart of accounts.

4. After the chart of accounts has been provided to DataCollect, the customer needs to tick off each account from
– This is due to only wanting data related to Co2.

5. Daily the client application to submit the following data to DataCollect:

    1. Fetch which accounts that have been ticked off in This is done from the following endpoint: /api/Accounts/Enabled
    2. Create/Update chart of accounts with the following endpoint: /api/Accounts
    3. Create/Update account entries with the following endpoint: /api/AccountEntries
    4. Attach/Upload a document to account entries: /api/Documents

On the first synchronization the integration should always send in data for current year + previous year. And daily send all updates/new data.

When submitting account entries, we would need to know what type the giving entry is. This is done through the parameter “type”. DataCollect supports the following formats:

Supplier = Invoice sent from a seller to a buyer
Payment = The payout to a seller
Credit = Credit note from a seller

Error Handling

If you experience any issues with the DataCollect API, the API will return a json result like the following:

If you need any assistance, please provide technical support with the errorId for easy reference.

History of changes

Date Changes Type